[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]For more than 35 years, the Law Offices of Scott Warmuth as been helping immigrants to the United States live and work in the country legally. We have helped thousands of immigrants from all over the world obtain their green cards and pursue U.S. citizenship. One of the most important benefits U.S. citizenship confers is the right to vote.
Today, September 22, is National Voter Registration day. U.S. citizens, whether natural born or naturalized, who will be 18 years old by Election Day (Tuesday, November 3rd) are encouraged to register to vote! It is one of the most important civic duties a United States citizen can perform!
Residents of California who wish to register to vote can do so online at the California Secretary of State voter registration website. Any eligible Californian voter, including recently naturalized citizens, citizens who have just turned 18, or citizens who have simply never registered to vote before can use the website and become a registered voter before the 2020 elections! The website allows voters to register in numerous different languages, including Chinese and Spanish. California residents aged 16 or 17 can also use the website to pre-register to vote and registered Californian voters can check their registration status.
The Law Offices of Scott Warmuth strongly encourages all eligible voters to register to vote and participate in the upcoming 2020 election! Immigrants who have possessed a green card for at least five years are eligible for U.S. citizenship. Though these immigrants will not be able to participate in this election, after receiving citizenship they will be able to register to vote for all future elections. If you or someone in your family is interested in pursuing U.S. citizenship, call our offices today at 888-517-9888 to receive a free citizenship legal consultation![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
National Voter Registration Day – Register to Vote Today!
Topics: From Our Office, Immigration
Sep 22nd, 2020