[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Becoming injured at work can place significant physical, emotional, and financial stress on any worker. The Law Offices of Scott Warmuth understands that it can sometimes be difficult to discuss the financial impact of a work injury. We answer some of the most common questions injured workers have about the financial impact of their workers' compensation case.
Do I have to pay for medical care?
No. After filing a workers' compensation claim, you can receive up to $10,000 of medical care before your claim is accepted or denied, which is paid for by the insurance company. If your claim is accepted, the insurance company will continue to pay for your treatment. If your claim is denied, the insurance company will stop paying for your treatment, but you may be able to continue treatment from a doctor on lien, which means that the doctor agrees not to charge the injured worker directly for treatment and agrees to be compensated only by the insurance company if you win your case.
Do I have to pay for travel to receive medical care?
No. All travel for medical care can be reimbursed with proper documentation. Keep a log of miles driven and parking fees paid. When you want to be reimbursed for these expenses, submit the log to your claims administrator. The mileage rate is set annually by the government and is currently (2020) 57.5 cents per mile.
When will I receive payment for disability benefits?
Temporary disability benefits begin after the insurance company or your employer receives medical verification of your disability. If your claim is disputed, it may take longer to receive temporary benefits. Permanent disability benefits are received after temporary benefits end and you are declared permanently disabled by a qualified medical expert.
How much will I receive in disability benefits?
Temporary benefits are paid at the rate of 2/3 of lost wages, up to certain maximums depending on the date of injury ($1,299.43 in 2020). Permanent benefits pay 2/3 of average weekly earnings, with a maximum benefit depending on the date of injury ($290 per week for injuries from 2013 to 2020).
Do I have to pay for travel to depositions?
No. Just like medical care, all travel related to depositions can be reimbursed.
How much does a workers' compensation attorney cost?
We are only paid if your workers' compensation case is successful. A judge will determine the amount of attorneys fees owed at the conclusion of your case, but are typically 15% of your claim settlement or award. The fee may be greater if your claim is more complicated. If your claim is unsuccessful, you will not owe your workers' compensation attorney any money.
When do I have to pay a workers' compensation attorney?
You will never have to pay your workers' compensation attorney anything. All attorneys fees are subtracted from your compensation package at the conclusion of your claim.
Do I have to pay to pursue a third party personal injury claim?
In almost all circumstances where you may have the right to recover from a third party, such as a motor vehicle accident, the Law Offices of Scott Warmuth pursues third party personal injury claims after a work injury on a no recovery, no fee policy. Similar to a workers' compensation claim, all fees are paid from your settlement at the conclusion of the case.
I have other questions.
The Law Offices of Scott Warmuth is available to answer any questions your may have about benefits or costs associated with a workers' compensation claim. If you've been injured at work, we can help you pursue all of the benefits owed to you under the law. Call us today at 888-517-9888 to receive a free consultation![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Common Questions in Workers’ Comp Cases – Part 4 – Money
Topics: Workers' Compensation
Sep 09th, 2020