When your teen is getting behind the wheel, there’s a lot they have to learn, and according to the CDC, teens are four times more likely than adults to be in a car accident. Here are 10 ways you can help prepare your first-time driver for success.
1). Make sure they have experience – Signing them up for a good teen driving course can give them more experience than they’ll get practicing with a parent or other relative.
2). Get them the right insurance – You don’t want your teen driving around in a car that’s not properly insured. Accidents can and do happen, and being covered financially is very important.
3). Impress upon them the responsibility they’re being given – Some teens are more mature than others, and your teen driving around can be a scary thought even if they’re very mature for their age. Make sure they really understand the responsibility of being behind the wheel.
4). Tell them about drunk driving – Teens shouldn’t be drinking, but some of them still do. You may not be able to stop them, but you can certainly make sure they understand the dangers of getting behind the wheel after alcohol, or getting in the car with someone else who has been drinking.
5). Be sure they minimize distractions – No texting, cell phones, or anything else distracting should be where the driver can reach them. Your first-time driver should be pulling over when making a phone call or sending a text.
6). Remind them to look for more than cars – Pedestrians and motorcycles are out there, too. Your teen needs to remember to be vigilant and look around, not just to look for larger vehicles. That can save lives and protect property.
7). Teach them the value of the law – “Running” stop signs or going through yellow lights may seem like fun. So can speeding. If your teen can’t obey the law, consider withholding the car keys for a while, until there’s a higher level of maturity present.
8). Make sure they know how weather affects driving conditions – You won’t see your teen driving in good weather all the time. Knowing how to drive in a number of different conditions can really help them be safer, especially if you live in an area that frequently gets bad weather.
9). Show them what defensive driving really means – People talk about driving defensively, but teens need to understand the true meaning of that. One of the ways to help them really internalize the proper way to drive defensively is to enroll them in a good teen driving course.
10). Review what to do in case of an accident – Practice really does make perfect; however, it’s important your teen knows what to do in case of an accident.
• First, instill that their health is the first priority. If they’ve been injured, they need to seek medical help first and foremost.
• Secondly, they should write down information about the location and time of the accident, as well as information about the other driver, including taking a picture of their driver’s license, insurance information and license plate.
• Once those basics are documented, they should speak with a personal injury attorney to discuss their options. The attorney can provide guidance on the matter.
The more driving experience they have with others, the safer they’ll be when they head out on their own. If an accident does occur, the Law Offices of Scott Warmuth can help you and your teen driver address the issue. Reach out to us today, for any needed legal help with your first-time driver.
Topics: Auto Accident
May 31st, 2016